about us

Our Beginnings

The Middle River Reserve (MRR) is 210 acres enrolled in our federal government’s Wetland Reserve Program.  Flood control, improving water quality, and enhancing wildlife habitat are the program’s main objectives.  From 2005 to August 2023 the MRR was manage by the Parker Street Foundation.  The land’s current caretaker is Ecosystem Repair US, a nonprofit based in Des Moines. 

Our Future

Our goals over the next few years are to:

1.  Gain 501(c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service, so people who donate money to our causes can receive tax deductions.  

2.  Improve the MRR’s wildlife habitat by getting rid of invasive plant species

3.  Improve the MRR’s wildlife habitat, soil quality, and flood control ability by planting prairie vegetation and managing the land with prescribed fire.

4.  Develop a trail system through the MRR so the public can enjoy the property

5.  Publish a book to help people fighting climate change make more progress.

6.  Advocate for human overpopulation awareness by supporting other organizations that provide education to girls and family planning services to women. 


Our Mission

To work with others to prevent nuclear war.  We realize climate change plus overpopulation plus diminishing natural resources is a recipe for civil strife and possibly nuclear war.  Our ultimate goal is world peace.

Our Values

We believe everyone should have the resources they need to reach their full potential in becoming a steward of our planet earth

“Being responsible is knowing what to do and then doing it.”

Tre Wilson